

Dermatology in Mandeville, LA

Dogs and cats can suffer from many dermatologic conditions, ranging from allergies to infections to autoimmune disorders. Prevention is the best place to start in caring for the skin of dogs and cats. We recommend year-round flea and tick control in dogs and cats to help prevent skin infections, as well as to control transmission of disease to your pet. We have many options available, including topical and oral medications. We also have several ear cleaners and shampoos available to help keep your pet in the best condition possible, depending on his or her individual needs.

If your pet’s skin or ears are abnormal, we offer diagnostic tests to try and find the cause of the problem. We can perform skin cytologies, ear cytologies, fungal cultures, biopsies and other less common tests. Please call us to schedule an appointment to discuss your pet’s skin, whether you are trying to institute prevention, or your pet already has skin issues that need attention.